Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Sorry for the lack of any new material - I've got a new job that is taking up a lot of my time.  I'm hoping to be able to put up a couple more shows this year, and have lots lined up for next year.

In the meantime, there is a complete recording of the Okkervil River show (I only managed to capture part of it) at  I haven't had a chance to download it yet, so can't comment on the quality.  If I have the time and inclination I may create a hybrid recording if the portion of the show I recorded justifies it.

I'll be making more of an effort to post at least a couple of updates every week from now on, although they won't always include new shows obviously.

Till then, thanks for visiting.


  1. Hey there. Chris from over at FanMadeRecordings here. Just noticed a bit of traffic coming our way from this blog and thought I'd drop a line to say I put in a link to your blog over at FanMade and I look forward to hearing more of your recordings. I also taped Will Sheff solo show but it's great to see someone else taping shows like that one. It was fantastic! The quality of your recording is quite good. What did you use to record it with?

  2. Thanks. At the moment I'm using a Tascam DR-2D. At some stage I'll probably buy some decent external mics, but for now the internal ones are doing a surprisingly good job.
    I actually started doing this after reading that one of the people at FanMadeRecordings was going to stop taping, so I owe a lot to your site.

    At the moment I've only got one more show lined up for this year, plus one from this year that I probably won't get to put up until January. I've got a lot planned for next year though, so keep an eye out then.

    PS The Will Sheff show was amazing! Hopefully they'll make another visit for this album.
