Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Arcade Fire - Big Day Out (Auckland), 17 January 2014

Soooo many shows to process and put up (plus lots more that I'll be recording in the next month or so). This is the first show Arcade Fire have performed (outside promotional shows) for their new album, so it might be interesting for fans. I was interested to hear the way they managed to incorporate the new elements from Reflektor into older songs. Unfortunately, there was a bit of wind in the early part of their set and I was moving around a bit to find a good spot, so there's a bit of occassional russling that dies away after a few songs. This was a really great set, but the recording isn't super, I'm hoping to get something better at one of their upcoming shows.

Ready to Start
Flashbulb Eyes
Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out)
Joan of Arc
The Suburbs/The Suburbs (Continued)
Neighbourhood #1 (Tunnels)
Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
My Body is a Cage
Keep the Car Running
Normal Person
Rebellion (Lies)
Here Comes the Night Time
Wake Up!tcNWBDwZ!CojmOW5uiwJ7dgopeIk16A


  1. Hey mate. What other shows are you going to? I'm heading to Melbourne sideshow tonight and recording and if you're gonna be there we should grab a beer or something.

  2. I'd have been keen for an Arcade Fire sideshow pretty much anywhere other than Sidney Myer, so I'm skipping it (might regret that decision later, but nevermind). Then Melb + Syd BDO.
